
May 1, 2017

May 4, 2017

The Partnership for a Healthy Workplace Response to Breast Cancer presents a Symposium titled: Making it Work: Maximizing the Potential of a National Partnership to Create a Healthy Workplace Response to Cancer at CAPO 2017 in Vancouver. 

May 5, 2017

CAPO 2017 hosts the 2nd KT CANWork workshop in the Canadian Workshop series focussing on the tools of Canada's latest Cancer and Work website

Previous Activities

July 18-19, 2016

Appreciative Inquiry Training for The Partnership for a Healthy Workplace Response to Breast Cancer

Location: Saint Mary's University Halifax, Nova Scotia

Facilitator: Dr. Jeanie Cockell


July 20, 2016

Workshop 1: Partnership for a Healthy Workplace Response to Breast Cancer

All members of the steering committee will meet face-to-face to make a plan for collaboration

Location: Saint Mary's University Halifax, Nova Scotia

Facilitator: Dr. Jeanie Cockell


September 1, 2016

Lab members attend the Knowledge Translation and Grant Writing Workshop

Location: Dalhousie University Halifax, Nova Scotia

Organized by The Maritime SPOR (Strategy and Patient-Oriented Research) Support Unit

Facilitators: Robin Traynor & Andrea Bishop


September 6, 2016

Members of the Partnership for a Healthy Workplace Response to Breast Cancer gathered to train with new software for our research findings

Location: Saint Mary's University Halifax, Nova Scotia

Facilitator: Dr. Lucie Kocum


September 13, 2016

Members of the Partnership for a Healthy Workplace Response to Breast Cancer will gather to continue work on Workshop 1 outcomes and training with software

Location: Saint Mary's University Halifax, Nova Scotia

Facilitator: Dr. Lucie Kocum


September 29, 2016

Members of the Partnership for a Healthy Workplace Response to Breast Cancer coding team will gather to continue work on Workshop 1 outcomes with qualitative software

Location: Saint Mary's University Halifax, Nova Scotia

Facilitator: Dr. Lucie Kocum


October 2016

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and the Partnership for a Healthy Workplace Response to Breast Cancer is ready to make a difference. October 21-October 28 we will be hosting the first Cancer and Work Week at Saint Mary's University in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

DAWN Canada launched their 4th annual Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign for Women with Disabilities and Deaf Women and interviewed Dr. Lucie Kocum.

Check out this piece in our local business partners blog, Willow Esthetics

October 2, 2016

Join @WorkWellnessLab Run for a Cure for Breast Cancer. Together with some members of The Partnership for a Healthy Workplace Response to Breast Cancer and the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation we are raising funds for breast Cancer

Join our team @WorkWellnessLab or donate

Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia

October 14, 2016

Members of the lab will be attending the Institute for Work and Health's 2016 Alf Nachemson Memorial Lecture honouring Wolfgang Zimmerman and his work with the National Institute of Disability Management and Research (NIDMAR)

2016 Alf Nachemson Memorial Lecture

Location: Toronto, Ontario


October 17, 2016

Members of the lab will be attending a KT (Knowledge Translation) workshop. Our goal is to get our research to the people that need it most

Real KT Curriculum: Patient and Citizen Engagement Workshop

Location: Atlantica Hotel Halifax, Nova Scotia


October 21, 2016

Cancer and Work Week 

The Work Wellness Lab will be hosting an open house for Breast Cancer Awareness month and to kickstart Cancer and Work week at Saint Mary's University. Cancer and Work week will begin on the day of the open house and conclude on the day of the second workshop for the Partnership for a Healthy Workplace Response to Breast Cancer. This open house will include the East Coast leg of a national launch for the latest cancer and work website (

Location: Saint Mary's University in the CLARI facility Halifax, Nova Scotia


October 28, 2016

Workshop 2: Partnership for a Healthy Workplace Response to Breast Cancer

The second workshop in our series is happening and we are hosting 30 stakeholders from across the country.

Location: Saint Mary's University in the CLARI facility Halifax, Nova Scotia

Facilitator: Dr. Jeanie Cockell


November 8, 2016

Members of the Partnership for a Healthy Workplace Response to Breast Cancer are attending Foundations in Patient Oriented Research: Module 1-Patient Oriented Research. Hosted by the Maritime SPOR Support Unit


November 17, 2016

Members of the Partnership for a Healthy Workplace Response to Breast Cancer are attending Foundations in Patient Oriented Research: Module 2-Health Research in Canada. Hosted by the Maritime SPOR Support Unit


November 18, 2016

Members of the Partnership for a Healthy Workplace Response to Breast Cancer will be touring the Canadian Cancer Society's, Sobey Cancer Support Centre and The Lodge that Gives. 


November 10, 2016

Dr. Lucie Kocum attends CIHR's Institute for Gender and Health' s Sex and Gender Champions Meeting

Location: Montreal, Quebec


November 25, 2016

Members of the Partnership for a Healthy Workplace Response to Breast Cancer are attending Foundations in Patient Oriented Research: Module 3-Building Partnerships and Consolidating Teams. Hosted by the Maritime SPOR Support Unit


January 24, 2017

Shelley Ann Morris, Co-host of Welcome To My World, talks disability with Dr. Lucie Kocum live from CKCU FM 93.1

Location: Carlton University Ottawa, Ontario

February 4, 2017

World Cancer Day 

Location: Worldwide